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Students in Adana can stay in state dormitories or private student residences or they can rent a flat in the city center or neighborhoods around the campus.

There are dormitories under the auspices of the Prime Ministry Credit and Hostels Institution with a capacity of 4813 students in total, some of which are on campus for 3855 students and the others are off-campus for 958 students. The cost of accommodation in dormitories is about 50-75 Euros.

There are also many other accommodation alternatives near the campus or in the city center. The private company dormitories or guest houses provide single-rooms or double/triple rooms as alternative. The cost of these private residence opportunities is about 175-300 Euros including food. Transportation to the campus is also included in the price, which is not in many other cities.

Most of the students usually prefer to rent a flat either alone or with roommates since the rents are also cheaper than those in many other cities in Turkey. The rents in Adana usually cost about 175-250 Euros per month. When the rent is shared with more than two students, the cost of accommodation may cost 80-150 Euros per person including furniture, electricity, and heating.