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Institute of Social Science >>Turkish Language and Literature


 Associate's Degree (Short Cycle)

 Bachelor’s Degree (First Cycle)

 Master’s Degree (Second Cycle)

Theoretical  1. Comprehends Turkish Language and Literature’s historical and contemporary material by means of scientific methods and theoretical knowledge.
 2. Realizes importance of fundamental concepts ofTurcology.
 3. Analayses language and literature materials with comparative methods.
 4. Has the ability of working on a literary text personally or with a group.
 5. Has the knowledge to access to reference guides and uses them effectively.
Conceptual/Cognitive  6. Follows historical development process of Turkish Language and Literature.
 7. Has knowledge on theoretical foundations of literature, language and culture relation.
 8. Is capable of comprehending old and new texts and discussing on them .
 9. Has an intellectual capacity to comprehend concepts of thefield, transfer the knowledge, and maintain cmmunication with colleagues.
 10. Finds solutions to problems of Turcology, thus contributes to the development of Turcology.
  Personal and Professional Qualifications
Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility  11. Defines the situation of Turkish Language and Literature among the world languages and literatures.
 12. Has a philological and linguistical vision.
 13. Has the ability to use scientific methods and philological knowledge through analysing literary text effectively.
Learning Competency  14. Defines and solves problems of Turcology.
Communication and Social Competence  15. Speaks a foreign language knowledge fluent enough to comprehend concepts of Turcology and communicate with colleagues.
Field-Specific and Professional Competence  16. Conducts analytical studies about relations between language, culture and literature.