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Institute of Social Science >>Economics


 Associate's Degree (Short Cycle)

 Bachelor’s Degree (First Cycle)

 Master’s Degree (Second Cycle)

Theoretical  Explains the importance of demand and supply and the conditions of the market economy to work better
 Specifies the role of the market economy, the price advantage of the event.
 Specifies the role of the price advantage in market economy
Applied  Faces with challenges, produces a numerical and policy options.
 Applies the methods of economic analysis.
 Builds, decodes and interprets models by using quantitative and qualitative techniques
Conceptual/Cognitive  Uses the theory of economics in analyzing the economic events
Applied  Acquires the ability of analyzing in the conceptual level ,compares interprets, evaluates and synthesizes ideas in order to develop solutions to the problems.
  Personal and Professional Qualifications
Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility  Takes responsibility individually and / or in a team,leads a team and works effectively
Learning Competency  With the awareness of the necessity of life-long learning, follows the latest developments about his field and improves himself
Communication and Social Competence  Speaks Turkish, and at least one other foreign language in accordance with the requirements of academic and business life.
Field-Specific and Professional Competence  Questions traditional approaches, implementations, and methods ;develops and practises alternative study programs when required