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Faculy of Law >>Law


 Associate's Degree (Short Cycle)

 Bachelor’s Degree (First Cycle)

 Master’s Degree (Second Cycle)

Theoretical   Has theoretical information of legal systems, rules, and review methods
 Has a basic knowledge of the codification process and how to use newly gained legal knowledge in their work environment.
 Has sufficient knowledge of the common laws that govern the use of skilled workers in the public and private sector
 Knows the historical and sociological development process of law and legal norms
  Has knowledge of the relevant regulations, decisions of judicial bodies, their development and the relevant scientific assessments.
 Communicates with colleagues in a foreign language and keeps up with international developments in the field of law.
 Develops critical thinking skills in order to re-interpret laws according to the needs of humanity
Applied  Has general legal knowledge in the field of information systems and demonstrates the ability to use required soft wares
Conceptual/Cognitive  Understands and uses the basic concepts of law; has the ability to conduct legal and normative research, predicts outcomes of decisions taken, develops strategical solutions while taking into account cause and effect relationships.
 Knows how to access and use local and international law sources.
 Knows the rules regulating the relationship between the state and society,and between the estate and the individual, and can interpret these rules.
Applied  Has the ability to work in groups, participate in class activities, analyze hypothetical case studies and to attend professional and academic visits.
  Personal and Professional Qualifications
Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility  Is legally objective and has an impartial attitude towards daily events, is honest and morally ethical; all of which are characteristics or equired of lawyers.
Learning Competency
Communication and Social Competence  Has written and oral communication skills, can convey ideas to other using persuasive speech, is capable of producing alternative solutions and can analyze information.
  Conducts scientific studies in the field.
Field-Specific and Professional Competence  Has the skills needed to work as a judge, prosecutor, lawyer, notaryor legal counsel after graduating from the School of law.
 Takes on tasks; the administrative organization of the country´s governor, the governor, the chief of police, inspectors, also in areas such as banking and finance senior positions and so on.